    Mia Carpenter is a Denver based multimedia artist and sculptor. Her work questions social expectations of women, her aggression associated with femininity, and her experiences growing up as a girl. Carpenter uses video, sculpture, and small installations to investigate the relationship between the violence and preservation of girlhood. 

Education:     B.A Point Loma Nazarene University 2024

Solo Exhibitions:    Girling, 2024, Keller Gallery , San Diego, CA

Group Exhibitions:
    On Edge 2024 Juried Exhibition, 2024, Edge Gallery, Denver, CO

    Highlights Show, 2024, Keller Gallery, San Diego, CA

    The Last Group Show, 2023, Bread and Salt Gallery, San Diego, CA

Awards:         Juror’s choice award, On Edge 2024 Juried Exhibition, Edge Gallery, Denver, CO